Various cities TekuTekuWalk
外苑前駅→国立競技場→日本オリンピックミュージアム→東京体育館→国立競技場駅→汐留駅→芝浦ふ頭駅→レインボーブリッジ→お台場海浜公園→青海アーバンスポーツパーク→シンボルロード→聖火台→東京ビッグサイト→有明テニスの森・有明コロシアム→有明アーバンスポーツパーク→有明体操競技場→有明アリーナ→豊洲市場→選手村→市場前駅→ゆりかもめ→新橋駅 関内駅→横浜スタジアム
A major international sports event held in Tokyo in the summer of 2021. It is a walk around the land related to that. At Jingu Gaien, there are the national stadium of the main stadium and the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. In Odaiba / Ariake, where stadiums are gathered, there are Odaiba Kaihin Park, Ariake Tennis Forest, and special venues. We will walk around the stadium, commemorative monuments and objects, the torch stand, and the decorations along the road, and keep it as a record of the city this summer.