Various cities TekuTekuWalk
京成成田駅→成田からくり時計・歌舞伎モニュメント→表参道花崎町・十二支石造→権現山通り・新道通り・般若小路・わらべ通り・神明山通り・井戸坂→表参道上町・なごみの米屋總本店・成田羊羹資料館・お不動様旧跡庭園・大井戸→薬師堂→表参道仲町・川豊本店・一粒丸三橋薬局 →成田山新勝寺総門→仁王門→大本堂・三重塔→花壇広場→釈迦堂→出世稲荷→奥山広場→額堂・市川団十郎石像→光明堂→ 醫王殿・平和大塔→成田山公園・西洋庭園・雄飛の滝・文殊の池・龍樹の池・龍智の池・浮御堂→桜山→子安地蔵堂・東参道・新参道→電車道・成宗電車第一、第二トンネル→栗山公園→京成成田駅
Narita is the gate town of Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, and you can visit temples, nature and streets from the long-established Omotesando to the precincts of the main hall, the main hall, the Great Pagoda of Peace, and Naritasan Park with ponds and waterfalls. On the way back, there are also abandoned railway tracks and interesting spots for civil engineering. Let's taste the famous eel.