Various cities TekuTekuWalk
・ 氷見駅→怪物くん通り→伊勢玉神社→湊川→上日寺・大銀杏・餅喰地蔵→朝日山公園・神武天皇銅像→朝日本町→氷見市立博物館→本町通り・まんがロード→喪黒福造像・忍者ハットリくんからくり時計→魚取神社→氷見のサカナ紳士録像→藤子不二雄Aアートコレクション→氷見漁港→比美之江大橋・比美之江公園→ひみ番屋街
Himi is the number one fishing town in the prefecture facing Toyama Bay, and you can enjoy seasonal fish and shellfish throughout the four seasons. If you look at the landing of the fishing port at dawn and the scenery of the auction, you should be able to feel the powerful appearance of Himi. I am looking forward to meeting the characters at the birthplace of Mr. Fujiko Fujio A, a manga artist. Let's walk around the fisherman's town and the shopping streets related to manga.