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Various cities TekuTekuWalk
紀伊勝浦駅→なでしこジャパン記念モニュメント・八咫烏の像→大阪屋旅館跡→振ヶ瀬橋→大門坂茶屋→大門坂・夫婦杉・多富気王子跡・唐斗石・十一文関跡・大門跡→那智山表参道→実方院跡→熊野那智大社→青岸渡寺・尊勝院・那智大黒天堂・山門→三重塔→裏参道・伏し拝み→ 飛瀧神社・光ヶ峰遥拝石→那智の滝
Nachi is a sacred place where Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine, one of the three mountains of Kumano, and Saigoku Watari Temple, a pilgrimage to the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage, are located. Kumano Kodo Nakahechi passes through, and Daimonzaka retains the remnants of the former pilgrimage road. In addition, go to Nachi Falls, one of Japan's three major waterfalls. Let's walk around the sacred mountain sacred place.
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